Angkor Thom

This is the Forum Board for posting to the July 2012 Class
Posts: 21
Joined: Sun May 21, 2006 5:52 am

Postby Bursal » Sat Jul 28, 2012 8:24 am

1. Set the two neutrals in RGB and worked on these points. My concern is I have lost some highlight detail.
2. I tried Lab and used the thresholds on the highlight and shadow and then some curve rotation on the a and b channels.
3. This time I started in Lab and I set shadow, highlight and shadow markers and worked on the L channel.  I think I had better success with Lab.
angkor-thom-rbg-snap-jpg (999 Bytes) Viewed 4520 times
angkor-thom-lab-snap-jpg (999 Bytes) Viewed 4520 times
angkor-thom-lab-2-snap-jpg (999 Bytes) Viewed 4520 times

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Postby ggroess » Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:40 pm

The door frame does present a problem for this image...The real lesson is in using multiple neutrals in RGB to get the tonality right...and an effect from CM where you can use a single point to adjust all the channels. 

Your LAB image is better than you RGB but you have room in the RGB to make adjustments..Play around a bit and see if you can get the highlight details back.


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