Week 3 Eample 3 @0 Skin Tones

This is the Discussion Board for the March 2010 CM101 Class.
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Postby kessi » Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:39 pm

I used different pins for different faces. Not all pins gave me the lunch time look on the hue clock. This was done in RGB.

c1s3-example3-20-bad-skin-tones_rgb-jpg (999 Bytes) Viewed 6498 times

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Postby ggroess » Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:34 pm

You have this done fairly well...I hope you took away the lesson on Skin tones that placement is the key. 
If you downloaded and read the advanced skin tones documents you get a better idea of the true difficulty in skin tones. 

I was able to find some area of each image that was reasonable for the assignment.

Good work.

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Postby kessi » Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:56 am

I'll work on the skin tone project some more. I quite enjoy the challenge and will get better at it. It is just minute movement that can make such a difference.


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Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 2:15 am

Postby ggroess » Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:49 pm

The true issue is that no two people are exactly the same and then different parts of your skin can have different distinct colors at any given time;  With exercise and cold weather you can get another different skin tone value. 

It is a moving target that takes persistence to get better at finding it.  Most times I verify the skin tones I have.  If they are way out of line I fix them.


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