
This is the Discussion Board for the March 2010 CM101 Class.
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Postby ggroess » Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:43 pm

Please take a minute and introduce yourself to the group.

I'm Greg Groess, I am a freelance photographer and friend of the Curvemeister.  I will be the primary resource for you during the class over the coming weeks. This is my second full year of teaching Curvemeister. I have been a photographer for over 30 years and got my start in Color Print correction.  I have taught in community education, worked in studio and portrait photography, and I converted from film to digital about 5 years ago.

I Live and work in Minnesota I am married and have two teen aged sons who keep me on my toes constantly. 

It is my sincere hope that you get all of your questions answered and that if I do not answer your question sufficiently that you will press the issue and make sure that I address all of the questions you might have.

I can tell you from past experience that the more discussion out here on the board the better the class outcomes.  Please do not lurk...Please contribute to the class and be willing to share your mistakes and triumphs.  The more you share the more you will learn.


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Postby mikemeister_admin » Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:25 pm


my namy is Georg Engh, and I'm from Norway. I got into photography as a hobby about a year ago, and usually take family portraits, candids and some nature shots.

I would very much like to learn more about post processing, colours and colour corrections and I'm looking forward to the training! Hopefully I'll be able to spend as much time on it is I would like, but my 3 year old son keeps me busy during the days, and my 2 month old daughter often keeps me busy until late night...!

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Postby ggroess » Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:32 pm

Welcome Georg,
You should be able to complete the assignments in 1-2 hours each week. I highly encourage you to post troubled images out here for the rest of the class to see and comment on.  We do have a few former students who comment on the work as well as myself. 

I'll be posting a challenge image later today for people to start playing with. 


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Postby kessi » Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:26 pm

Hi Greg,
long time no chat.
Is it too late to enroll in the class? I think I need a refresher course.  :-[
If it is OK, could you point me to the link to enroll.

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Postby ggroess » Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:24 pm

It is perfectly fine to take the course again.  I took it myself twice back in the CM 2 days....,5.0.html

Follow the links in this thread to sign up..

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Postby kessi » Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:49 pm

my name is Irmgard Kaiser, but I prefer to be called kessi. It is just easier. I live in Clarens, in South Africa.
I have done this course before and it was great, but I feel the need for a refresher course.
So here I am, raring to go.


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Postby ggroess » Sat Mar 06, 2010 3:42 pm

Welcome back Kessi...
Let me know if there is anything you want to focus on more than usual...

Posts: 4927
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Postby mikemeister_admin » Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:46 am

Hello all,
I'm Mark Petrofsky,  I teach 2nd grade among other things, but at this time of year its 95% of my life so I'm doing catchup on this course. I'm a Photoshop novice.  Mostly I've been working on B&W images from my travels 35+ yrs ago. I live in the S.F. Bay Area.

Posts: 5342
Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 2:15 am

Postby ggroess » Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:36 am

Welcome Mark...
I will be trying to address B&W during the course...
It's not on the class list but It usually generates a large amount of questions...


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