julie drummers

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Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:41 am

Postby imported_julie » Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:53 am


I could see the skin colours were off particuarly for the girl. I found this needed a lot of small adjustments to keep everything aligned. I had red curves flipping off everywhere.

I tried to get the blue out of the shadows as well and finished with a little sharpen (I think its an addiction).

I find I'm not using elements to do much at the moment. Between curvemeister and neat image most of what I want is happening. I'm really only cropping and straightening my images in elements.  Most of what I did before was levels and saturation and shadow/highlight and contrast. It mostly seems to be happening in curvemeister. Am I missing something or is that what tends to happen when you use curvemeister.

BTW i am begining to thik I will have to rework many of my images - not looking forward to that!

drummersscreenlab-jpg (999 Bytes) Viewed 4130 times
drummerslab-jpg (999 Bytes) Viewed 4130 times

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Postby ggroess » Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:19 am

Ahhhh...when the truth be told....
Yes that is what happens a lot..not using the PSE tools for image adjustment.
But beware! When your only tool is a hammer everything looks like a nail...that being said I would say that 75% of what I do I do with CM and a few minor adjustments...I have not converted to neat image yet..I have tried it but found it somehow too complicated.  I know that is one of my growth areas...

As you get more daring in CM your need for the PSE tools will return a bit...It really is a balanced attack that you want to be able to bring to the table..If you read the other posts from guys like Greg M and Zog you will see that there is always more to learn...

I look back on my early digital stuff and I cringe...I did the best I could, but I only had 1/4th the tools I have today...Of course they are going to look bad in comparison...
One of the real tricks it to not over adjust...that too get easier...

BTW your drummers look pretty good...add saturatin in LAB to 1.30 and see if it looks even better...

Great stuff...Really

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