With 3.0.7 coming out, I thought I'd have another look at the wizard, which is something I've not run for many months. A quick review:
1) The first thing that comes up is "Select a working colourspace" which isn't at all friendly to the newbie who is likely to run the wizard. How are they supposed to make that choice, given most newbies won't know what they're choosing or why? So I ask, firstly, is it possible to make this choice automatically somehow? And secondly, is it even necessary? Can the wizard not be run in RGB mode in all cases? The important colourspace step is at the end where they choose the space the image looks best in - is the choice necessary before that step?
2) First step should really be to ask the user to move the wizard dialog box to a corner of their screen. Many people might not realise this is possible, and since by default the dialog lands right in the middle of the image, encouraging them to move it might help a bit.
3) It says "If the darkest object in your image is black...". Maybe that would be better to say "If the darkest object in your image should be black..." I just asked my partner to try to wizard and when faced with this question she pointed at the right part of the image and said "That's the darkest part of the image, but it's not black." Maybe it should explain a little better what is going to happen or what the step is trying to achieve?
4) The very final step implies that clicking Close will lose the changes made with the wizard. That could use a rephrasing along the lines of "Click close to apply these changes, then continue in CurveMeister..."
5) Trivial bug: I was in the "select bright" page of the wizard and hit the Reset button in the main dialog (which is still active). The reset worked and left the cursor as an arrow, rather than a white sampler. I had to hit Next then Back to get the wizard to allow me to take another sample.
Wizard review
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