Marian, Session 1, Example 1

This board is for the August 2007 Curvemeister 101 Class
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Postby mikemeister_admin » Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:19 am

Out of the two options of Lab and RBG, I liked the colors and eveness RBG gave.  However, it drives me nuts to see the SUV's orange blinker light to be "off" colored.  Is there something I could have done differently for this session/example?  *Came back to comment on my blinker query ... I'm thinking it's a mostly normal color for a blinker, and I'm being picky! lol*

(Hope adding it as an attachment worked fine)

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Postby -default » Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:07 am

What you are seeing (and what no one has commented on before) is that the hue of colors, such as the light lens, changes when you use the RGB curve.  Try doing a similar adjustment in Lab mode, and you'll see that the color stays the same.

The sky is also changed by the RGB master curve.  It takes on a cyan cast, and the roof tiles are terra cotta color, not the saturated orange red in this version.

You got the main object of the exercise, which was to get a good shadow point, and you're thinking about the accuracy of colors that are familiar to you, which is also the right thing to be concerned about.

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