(if you are receiving this via email, this mesage may be a duplicate of an earlier announcement)
Welcome to the July Curvemeister class!
Welcome to the July class. The class "board" will be your "home" for the next four weeks. You will use it to turn in your work, and to discuss things with other members of the class. This is a very friendly and supportive forum, so please don't worry about being criticized or otherwise embarrassed here.
If you wish, post a short note introducing yourself in terms of your interest in photography and/or images and learning about curves. If you have a photograph you took recently, of any subject, please feel free to post it here. I'd also like to introduce, and thank, Greg Groess, who will be providing responses to many of your individual images and making the class an excellent experience.
The instructions on how to get started with the first week's exercises are located here:
You'll receive an email announcement similar to this one at the beginning of each week when the solutions to the previous week, and the next week's assignment, are available. If you do not receive an email for some reason, check the board to see if the materials have been posted (as well as to look at and comment on other people's work).
We're here to help. If you haven't used this sort of board before, or if anything is not working as it should, please let us know. Feel free at any time to ask questions, and if we don't quite answer right the first time, keep at it! Don't let myself or Greg get away with answering the wrong question!
Your comments and questions about other people's images are an important part of the class, so if you have a question or comment about someone else's image, please post a follow-up.
Welcome to the Class
My name is Greg Groess I am a freelance photographer and friend of the Curvemeister. I will be answering your questions along with Mike, adding critique when necessary, and encouragement always. I am here to push you a little bit harder at times and challenge you to see the images in a different light.
Please feel free to ask any question that comes to mind. If you can think of it.. your classmates will probably also be wondering about it. Please start a new topic for each image you submit. It makes it easier for us to respond to your images and question specifically.
Also please re-size the image to 800X600 and keep the size as close to 200Kb as possible.
My name is Greg Groess I am a freelance photographer and friend of the Curvemeister. I will be answering your questions along with Mike, adding critique when necessary, and encouragement always. I am here to push you a little bit harder at times and challenge you to see the images in a different light.
Please feel free to ask any question that comes to mind. If you can think of it.. your classmates will probably also be wondering about it. Please start a new topic for each image you submit. It makes it easier for us to respond to your images and question specifically.
Also please re-size the image to 800X600 and keep the size as close to 200Kb as possible.
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