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Postby -default » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:05 am

Hey, I love this stuff.  Writing code - even chasing bugs, is what I do best.  Curvemeister is written in C++.

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:22 am

It is for me years ago, say 1979 1980-81 that I have done something in a prgr-language.
never C++. I did somewhat in BASIC assembler and forth. ( not forthran).
I have tried a little in Pascal.
So, nowadays I think I could n't.
These days assembler was relativ easy. I programmed the 6502 with 50 opcodes.


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Postby ggroess » Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:37 pm

Mike, you need a hobby...maybe... oh, I don't know Photography or takes the mind off PC's and software....


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Postby mikemeister_admin » Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:32 pm

"However, Billions of electrons were terribly inconvenienced. "

No they are not, they like the trip.
But they return always.


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Postby -default » Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:54 pm

It is for me years ago, say 1979 1980-81 that I have done something in a prgr-language.
never C++. I did somewhat in BASIC assembler and forth. ( not forthran).
I have tried a little in Pascal.
So, nowadays I think I could n't.
These days assembler was relativ easy. I programmed the 6502 with 50 opcodes.


I started off in Basic too, way back when.  The 6502 was used in the early Atari video game, and I did quite a lot of programming on that processor.  It had a fun instruction set because there were so many different combinations of address modes and operands that there was always a way to squeeze out another instruction or two.

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Postby ggroess » Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:25 pm

They may like the trip Fritz, but
they were not asked if they wanted to go and were given no choice for a window seat...

Oh the inconvenience...I bet their baggage was lost too...

Posts: 4927
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Postby mikemeister_admin » Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:30 pm

I started off in Basic too, way back when.  The 6502 was used in the early Atari video game, and I did quite a lot of programming on that processor.  It had a fun instruction set because there were so many different combinations of address modes and operands that there was always a way to squeeze out another instruction or two.

the only instruction, I know from the head is NOP, no operation. I used it often. It costs processor-time.
It could be that this processor was used in the Atati video games. Beginning 1979 you had also the Tandy computer ( the name I am forgotten) but I thought his heart where also the 6502.
It was/is a slow processor, but that time I was enthusiastic.
I used that time the PET from Commodore.
8 K RAM. Upgraded then to 32 K. That was large for that time.
Here in holland, where that time not much people who used privately a computer.
I have had , more cumputer-models from commodore.
I small time I did flowcharting on programming the 6502.
But all of that, programming and electronics , i did it about the same time.
You could do a lot of things with the PET.  He has a IEEE.
so there where lotse of electronic schema of building things for it.


Posts: 4927
Joined: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:29 pm

Postby mikemeister_admin » Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:34 pm

They may like the trip Fritz, but
they were not asked if they wanted to go and were given no choice for a window seat...

Oh the inconvenience...I bet their baggage was lost too...

You don't know, but I have asked them to make the trip pedestrian. ha, ha ha
they liked the warmth.

I don't know the expression "no choice for a window seat...'

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