You guys have been kind of quiet...

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Postby imported_julie » Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:41 pm

Hi all

Been a bit quiet but there is a good reason
I'm in new york.
It's prety amazing.
Greg now I know that one of the images in 101 was of ellis Island.
I will be more active when I get back. 
I am at a conference but there is still I lots of time for other stuff.
Have taken lots of images and using raw for first time.
Any suggestions for sightseeing gratefully accepted

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Postby ggroess » Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:26 pm

be aware of the heighten vision you are currently very involved with.  See things with new eyes and look for unique views to capture.  There might even be times when you experience transformed vision depending on the situation.  This is an excellent opportunity to focus on some of the feelings and sensations that complete the seeing for you. 

I know that sounded all new age...but really this is a great time to try some of this out.  Not the long intense stuff but the everything is new and exciting stuff.  Think about how vibrant and alive everything seems and at key time concentrate on that for a few moments and really look for some colors and sounds or smells that will root the image in your mind.  It will help when you return home and want to get the color right.

I have never been to NYC I envy you.  I am sitting in the kitchen looking out over a front yard of dirty crusty snow that just seems to linger and linger...The bright yellow of the sun rise is nice and I am seeing it through the branches of the Maple tree that will provide a nice cool shade spot later in the summer...sigh...


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Postby imported_julie » Fri Mar 28, 2014 6:42 pm

Hi greg
Its been so cold here. Cold for me anyway.  -6 is colder than I have ever experienced.
I have been practicing seeing. Its been difficult in an environment that seems designed to be distracting.
I chose to sit in front of a painting by van gogh. I noticed the colour and brush strokes and the level of emotional respose I was having. Even when people walked in front of me I was able to still see the painting in my head.i love his paintings and I felt so amazed that I had the opportunity to do this. I noticed details and relationships between colours and forms
It was uncomfortable at times but my recall is very clear and, surprisingly enjoyable.

I am heading back to the met and will repeat this exercise.

Being here has reminded me how vibrant my memories of traveling are. I wonder if this is related to having the time and opportunity  to 'see' combined with the excitement on new experiences. Whatever it is its good.


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Postby imported_ganna » Sat Mar 29, 2014 10:26 am

Greg, just to show you I am busy :) Image early this morning with dew. Combination of Greg (channels on colour image)  and and Nik Silver Efex Pro, just to get little bit more punch in image. When I do the B&W conversion of the image in CM, it takes a lot longer and in this particular image just use one of the presets in Nik.
Have a good weekend
maart-201416322327swb-jpg-7 (82.54 KiB) Viewed 12090 times

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Postby ggroess » Mon Mar 31, 2014 1:48 am

Wow how does it look at full resolution?  It looks wonderful I bet it would be an awesome Big Print..say 20X30? 

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Postby imported_artmar » Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:46 pm

Hi Greg,

I've read the third session several times and think it is excellent, both the text and the video, which is super.
I have no suggestions for any changes.  I learned a lot, immeasurably, and am looking forward to session four.

At the end you mention using the B&W image you generated as a tonality layer. It reminded me to ask you if you're familiar with Tony Kuyper's Luminosity Masks system. I've just been reading about it -- seems quite a bit of work to generate 12 masks per image in order to adjust the range of luminosity values from "dark darks" to "light lights".  The resultant images seem to look like highly refined HDRs. Wondering what you think (?)


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Postby ggroess » Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:56 pm

I have not heard of this but I'll be looking at it now...
Post a link...


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Postby imported_artmar » Sun Apr 13, 2014 11:46 pm

This is the original website:
Here is a short video tutorial on creating the range of dark masks. Interesting that once the masks are created an adjustment layer is used with selected masks, on the entire RGB composite channel.


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Postby ggroess » Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:48 pm

Wow that is a whole lot of work for a Inverted Luminosity mask...

I can see the value in knowing this but it seems a bit impractical.  It's like the PPW workflow...If you have an action to drive it you then have to choose which parts to turn on and off.  It seems to me that like a good Rube Goldberg device there are lot's of extras that you end up not needing. 

There is so little difference between Black, Black-Black and "Super Black" that I would worry about getting halos and bad effects from the masking if you went too far.

I can give this a try but I was less than impressed overall with the technique.  It makes sense but there are easier ways.

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Postby imported_artmar » Mon Apr 14, 2014 8:05 pm

That was my impression as well.
Thanks for having a look at it.
One less thing to learn  :D


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