Curvemeister on layers

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Postby sjordan93436 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:23 pm

I sometimes composite an image.  I start with multiple layers from different images.  I add elements to the background with masks.  Then I try to match the look of the added element to the final.  An example would be to add a face to a group or replace an old boyfriend with a cousin.  I get to the same problem with multiple stitched images that have different exposures.  Or an improper panorama.

I want to color correct that area while comparing the correction with the background.  I would make a new composite layer.  Click on the layer mask with the added element to load it to a selection. Go back to the composite layer and run CM.  (Or make the selection from the mask and create the layer, same thing fewer steps).

Perhaps I am greedy or lazy, but I would like to edit not on the composited layer but the added layer.  Once I edit the composited layer it is more difficult to go back.  CM does not show me the background layer only the masked smaller image.

Now I can go back if I save the curve and apply it to the lower layer.

Is this hard to understand?  Did I say this right?  Is this too convoluted?

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Postby ggroess » Tue Aug 07, 2012 6:38 pm

Steve have you tried using CM as a smart filter??

CM "respects" the Layers as they exist in Photoshop so if you bring a composite layer into the program it will only adjust the items on the layer you have.  You could try making layer copies and flattening only the visible layers you need.  For example...

Layer 1 is the background image, Layer 2 is a face from another image.  You could make a copy of each and turn them off.  Then Flatten the visible layers Ctrl-Shift-E and make your CM adjustments to the flattened layer.  If it blows up on you you can delete the layer and still have the hidden copies of the layers before.  This does make the file larger but it saves you having to save intermediate copies of the whole thing.

Another option is the history pallet.  you could just go back in history to a state prior to your "issue"

Just some thoughts...

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Postby sjordan93436 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:51 pm

Smart filter?  I will try it.

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Postby ggroess » Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:38 pm

if you go smart filter remember the scroll icon near the config wrench...otherwise CM will not know it was invoked on a smart layer.


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Postby -default » Wed Aug 08, 2012 7:04 pm


This is not an unreasonable request at all,a nd in fact I use Curvemeister for color matching, using pins or visually, fairly often when compositing group images or panos.  Unfortunately, the Photoshop plugin interface, that Curvemeister uses to communicate with Photoshop, has a few quirks.  If I read your original post correctly, you appear to have run into one of them. 

Photoshop allows a plugin to modify a layer while displaying material from beneath the layer.  It is not possible to display information above the layer being modified - or at least I have not figured out how to accomplish this.

Am I understanding your question correctly?


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Postby sjordan93436 » Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:15 pm

I must have missed or misunderstood the CM interface.  How can you modify a layer while viewing the layer below?  My prior post was too convoluted.

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Postby ggroess » Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:22 pm

I think you and Mike have crossed responses..sort of....

What he means is...If you have 3 layers going down 1,2,3 and you edit number 2; you would see material from #3 but not from #1


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Postby -default » Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:45 pm

Greg has said it better than I could - thanks.

This would be a good topic for one of our two minute videos that I've been planning to do.

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Postby sjordan93436 » Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:36 am

I have not been communicating very well.

Image 1 has the an extra person (third from the left) that I wanted to add to Image 2  (keeper)

3.  screenshot 1.  shows the keeper (image 2) on top and active  with a mask revealing the missing person on the bottom layer 

4.  Screenshot2  shows CM when the top layer is active. the bottom layer not visible.

5.  Screenshot3  with the same setup as above but the bottom layer is active. I run CM-not much help

I then reversed the order of the two layers.

6.  screenshot 4.  shows the keeper on the bottom layer with a mask.

7.  screenshot 5 shows CM with the bottom layer active.  It only shows the active or bottom layer and nothing from above.

I must be doing something elementary and wrong. 
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Postby -default » Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:17 am


It looks like Curvemeister is doing something wrong and not displaying what it should.  I have tried with a simple test image with two layers, and Curvemeister always shows the background layer through the upper, active layer.  Try toggling the "Show Background Layers" button and see if the lower layers are shown in that case.

When I add people to group photos, I usually put the new person on top of the image, and then use the layer mask for the new image to hide them behind the figures who are already in the image - unlocking the mask from the superimposed image so that I can move the person around.  I then use the eraser to get rid of any extra bits around the person I'm adding.  For difficult subjects, like wispy hair, I will mask separately, and then paste that on top of the group image. 

With the new layer on top, I can use Curvemeister to match the appearance of the new person to the rest of the group, and even use pins from other faces to improve the color temperature.  Otherwise I'm flying blind if I can't see the rest of the group.

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