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Postby ggroess » Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:16 pm

A rethink of the original image.I wanted the advantages of shadow/highlights in CS4,but to stay in curveM.Also,how different are the colors of the deckhouse and the pilothouse,pure white and very light grey?First time around I tried to get a neutral from the deck structures but wasn't happy with result.GregM

  1 in HSB I did a threshold for brightness,then located the deckhouses along the line,last spike in histogram to right,then pinned the area to the left and below,then a bit more of a boost to the houses.
  2 in LabI put a neutral (no shadow or hilight)just below the first window of the pilothouse.Chris Nicola was able to get neutrals on these houses.Very slight saturation boost.
  3 sharpening as above

I like the overall look of this version but...you knew there was going to be one...
try a second pass at the image in LAB just to bump the saturation in the greens and overall in the B channel.  the color seems a bit flat.


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Postby imported_ganna » Sun Jun 06, 2010 7:56 pm

Here's my attemt. Unfortunately my "pins" function in CM does not work.(Already written to Mike) I am not sure about the colour of the vessel, but used the white foam as a neutral and then the colour of the sky and of the grass appear to be within OK range.

Ganna I'd like to hear more about your Pins issue.  Is it related to PSE or PS?  I see by the version you have that you are using 3.0.20.  There have been some issues with Pins in that version. 

BTW the lightness appears to be a bit off in the image....

Greg, I'm using CS5 and Win XP pro 32 bit . CS5 was crashing with version3.0.19 and Mike sugested I try 3.0.20, which is working, except for the pins. All the files are there, but you cannot open it.

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Postby ggroess » Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:01 pm

that is what I thought but I wanted to make sure...

Thanks Ganna

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:44 pm

Apologies for being so late to proceedings! I have been looking in on this thread throughout the day, but have only just managed to have a crack at the image (I'll be quicker responding on weekdays)...

It's interesting - when I downloaded the image I initially thought that the colour looked pretty good, and that it would just need a contrast and saturation boost, but taking a closer look I realised that there was more to do  :)

Before opening it in CurveMeister I looked over it using the Photoshop Info palette, with the sample readouts set to Lab. I noticed:

  • The sky was a little greener than I generally prefer, so I noted that I'd need to push that slightly towards Magenta.

  • The grass was too red. It was positive in the A channel, rather than negative, and therefore needed to be pushed away from Magenta - towards Green.

  • The water was too green in some places. In the lower left of the image (for example) the A channel was either equal to, or higher than the B channel, so I knew that I would want to address that as well.

Having checked for colour casts I checked whether there was enough separation in the L channel between the grass and the other features I needed to fix. The L value in the grass was between 20-30, and overlapped some areas of water that I wanted to alter. Because I wanted the grass to be greener, but the water to be less green, I felt that RGB and CMYK would both be bad choices for correcting the casts initially - so I chose to begin in Lab.

My intial Lab curves (attached) improved everthing except the grass, which still seemed too red. So I applied the Lab curves, and followed them up with CMYK  (attached) to improve the grass. In CMYK I also curved the Black channel to improve the contrast more (I only set a highlight point in the first Lab curves, as nothing else seemed on the cards).

Having applied the CMYK curves, I returned one last time to CurveMeister to boost saturation in Lab. I steepened both the A and B channels - initially using the saturation slider, but having done this I decided to steepen the A channel further to boost the colour in the grass (this also helped the sky).

Returning to Photoshop, I applied Shadow/Highlights and sharpening (both conventional and Hiraloam).

I'm pleased with the improvements I've been able to make, but I'm sure that if I was more proficient it wouldn't have taken three separate applications of CurveMeister to get there. The aspect of curving that I have most trouble with - and am most hoping to improve - is the correction of colour casts, so I really enjoyed working on this image. I'm really excited about this course  :)
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Postby ggroess » Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:45 pm

No need to apologize...
We have all week and we can come back to this anytime. 
Well stated goals and a solid correction are always worth the wait.
I'm hoping we can shorten the process a bit for you.  I guess time will tell on that one.
Welcome to the class!


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Postby ggroess » Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:11 am

My Turn...

1) I used PS shadow and highlight command again.  It really is a useful short cut and If you limit the use to images with highlights less than 230 you can get some really good results. 

2) Copied the background to a new layer and opend CM on that layer.  I know I want to pop the color using a modified Man From Mars type technique but I also need to get control of the contrast and color.  I decided to split the difference by making all the color correction to this layer and setting the mode of the layer to be "color".  This allowed me to make the color over the top and then set the opacity to my liking.  After the color was corrected I went back to the background layer and  bumped the shadows a bit to make the image just a tiny bit more contrasty.  and

3) I applied high pass sharpening with the settings shown at 65% on the layer opacity. 

4) Final image 

Some final thoughts...
There is a bit of banding in the sky...It does not show up in the full resolution image.  I thought about a B channel blur to try to remove it but thought better of it.  This is a pretty simple correction when you get down to it.. This is an image where setting a good neutral saves you plenty of trouble later in the process.

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Postby ggroess » Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:12 am

I did not post the ACV files since the curves are really just end point adjustments after the neutral setting.
Final Image

point-reyes_gg-jpg (297.05 KiB) Viewed 7622 times

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