Looks like I forgot to post this one.
JoAnn H
JoAnn's Pumpkin Example 3
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On this one you need to start in the Saturation space and play around a bit the Idea is to make the pumpkins look rounder by adjusting the saturation. When you desaturate the image too much the pumpkins look white and sickly...when you kick it just right you can get tones of color and shape...
Start in Saturation..then adjust the brightness slowly and lastly adjust the hue to keep them from turning too yellow in spots....
I'll post my version for you to look at but remember that you can probably surpass me on this one...
On this one you need to start in the Saturation space and play around a bit the Idea is to make the pumpkins look rounder by adjusting the saturation. When you desaturate the image too much the pumpkins look white and sickly...when you kick it just right you can get tones of color and shape...
Start in Saturation..then adjust the brightness slowly and lastly adjust the hue to keep them from turning too yellow in spots....
I'll post my version for you to look at but remember that you can probably surpass me on this one...
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- 2007-10-15_172735_gg-jpg (280.39 KiB) Viewed 7394 times
Here's my 2nd try at the pumpkins. Hopefully I've done better on this try.
Tell me about the red curve. I know it is some kind of guard but I don't know the meaning. I seem to get those pretty often and I've learned I have to back off to get rid of it.
JoAnn H
Tell me about the red curve. I know it is some kind of guard but I don't know the meaning. I seem to get those pretty often and I've learned I have to back off to get rid of it.
JoAnn H
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- 2nd-try-pumpkins-example-3-jpg-hsb-acv
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- 2nd-trypumpkins-example-3web-jpg (92.5 KiB) Viewed 7394 times
The red curve is called "Curve Guard" it is Curvemeister's way of telling you that the curve you have created in the color space you are working is not "valid" that it will create colors that have values out of the gamut for the color space you are working in. For instance there are yellows in LAB that will not even display on the monitor but the color space has a value for them.
Curve Guard helps by giving you visual feedback on that event so you can avoid it...In PS you would have to know what the limits of the specific color space are in order to avoid this problem.
BTW smaller hue and brightness adjustments go a lot further in HSB...
Curve Guard helps by giving you visual feedback on that event so you can avoid it...In PS you would have to know what the limits of the specific color space are in order to avoid this problem.
BTW smaller hue and brightness adjustments go a lot further in HSB...
Greg, here's my 4th try on the pumpkins.....I hope you are not getting sick of me.
I think this looks better but I've stared at them so long I don't know.
One thing that is driving me nuts is the pink cast that I can see in the highlights. Also, in the upper left corner there is a pumpkin that has a lavendar cast in the highlight.
Would you mind sending me your ACV file?
JoAnn H
I think this looks better but I've stared at them so long I don't know.
One thing that is driving me nuts is the pink cast that I can see in the highlights. Also, in the upper left corner there is a pumpkin that has a lavendar cast in the highlight.
Would you mind sending me your ACV file?
JoAnn H
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- 4th-trypumpkins-example-3-jpg-hsb-acv
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- 4th-trypumpkins-example-3-jpg (147.96 KiB) Viewed 7394 times
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