Curvemeister installers suddenly considered Trojans by McAfee

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Postby Alex314 » Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:53 am

I find that recently the Curvemester install programs - the last three versions I kept in reserve - are considered to be Trojans by McAfee and they have as such been removed by this antivirus program to the quarantine bin. See attachment.
Now I don't need them I hope, but this seems a little odd. Is it a mistake on the part of McAfee?
mcafeecm-jpg (999 Bytes) Viewed 4948 times

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Postby -default » Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:58 am

While it's certainly possible that your installer files are infected with a virus, it's more likely that this is a mistake by McAfee.  The way to check is to download a fresh copy, and check it with your virus program.  If the fresh copy also shows up as a virus, consider sending the installer to McAfee and ask them if it is a false positive, and they will eventually update their virus database.

Over the years, several different virus programs have detected the curvemeister installer as a virus.

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Postby Alex314 » Sat Oct 10, 2009 7:51 am

Thanks Mike. I did send the freshly dowloaded installer file - also detected as a Trojan - to McAfee, but got no response. I had an exchange of messages with the MA people on their forum, with no result. Although I still consider MA to be a good antivirus program, I resent their lack of cooperation. Also, you cannot mark a file as to be trusted. That should be the way to do it, I suppose.

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