I would like some suggestions for topics to include in CM201-Beyond The Basics.

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Postby ggroess » Tue Dec 02, 2008 3:59 am


First off, I have been working with Mike on the creation of a CM201 class that would address items that are a bit beyond the basics of how to use CM. 
Currently we are looking at the possibility of a 4 week course that uses the same forum format we use for the CM101 class.

I am holding off the final decision until after I get some more input from all of you.

Potential ideas... in no particular order might include.....

Weekly: Rescue my Image.
Each week we would ask you for troubled images.  Everyone in the class would work on them as a part of that weeks work. 
These images might have a theme like "overexposed" or "mixed lighting".  Everyone would post a solution and the class would vote on the best solution.

Weekly: Possibly an interactive screen share session where ideas and discussion around the weekly items is given a real voice...Yours...

Specific topics for the class might include:

  • B&W Conversion

  • Masks - Who needs them and why?
        * So I can make a mask from a channel, now what?
            - Mask settings effect the outcome
        * All that and a bag of chips.  Why you should not always use a mask.
        * Copy a mask in PS and PSE.
        * Keeping it all straight, where the layers lie.

  • Skin Tones
        * Typical Values.
        * Where to adjust.
        * Skin looks great what about the rest of my image. - Using pins to set the skins
      What are we trying to do here
        * Goals and compromises
        * You can't always get what you want..But if you try sometimes..you get close enough to fool the viewer

  • Help, Grandma is fading away.
        * Quick rescue techniques
        * Masks?
        * Does size / resolution really matter?
        * What is a good target for image size and restoration.

  • Finding lost colors
        * How do I make up color where there appears to be none
        * Finding real colors - creating a sample pin.

  • Whats in a Color Space
        * Strengths and weaknesses Part 2 more details
        * What do you look for when choosing strengths and weaknesses

  • Channels
        * So you want to copy a channel?  Why you should and why you should not.
        * Blending channels

What I'd like from all of you is suggestions for topics that we could include.  They might be items of interest, or topics that perplex you.  Chances are we will be perplexed as well...

Feel free to e-mail me if you like...

you can send me a message via the forum or use the correct form of the address below.

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:31 pm

Wow - what a response Greg!

Sounds interesting (I shall have to investigate skype) and it will keep us on our toes.

I can not specifically think of an area, except 'awkward' images - no obvious shadow/highlight point or neutral - a good example has just been posted on the ColourTheory forum.

The other area that one could address is broadening the scope to include all the steps one takes - from out-of-camera to finished image.  I'm certainly interested in the problems of noise and sharpening in the overall flow.

I'll put my thinking cap on - Christmas seems to have got in the way and then I had a slight mishap with machine.


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Postby ggroess » Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:22 pm

Tell me about it...

I have been so completely blown away...

Seriously, we have been looking for input and welcome any suggestions.  Right now we are talking and researching...One item that keeps coming to the table is your suggestion for a work flow discussion.  There are many ways this could go so feel free to fire off suggestions. Also include anything else you think should be added to the mix....


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Postby Alex314 » Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:46 pm

I used to be baffled by jpg files shot at the wrong color temperature. Untill I got CS3, allowing jpg's to be loaded into 'Camera Raw', I didn't see how to arrive at a more satisfactory color temperature for an image that was either too 'cold' or too 'hot'. Now it is no problem for me anymore...
But in Curvemeister I still don't see how to do it. Maybe it is simple, I don't know. What exactly changes in RGB as you vary the color temp?

Would this perhaps be a subject for the class?

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Postby ggroess » Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:58 pm

Thanks for following along...

Posts: 38
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Postby BBushe » Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:31 am

I am very interested in the blending idea, lost colours, and restoration all sound great!

Also I'm interested in workflows, best time to do what both in general terms and specific parts, e.g. when to sharpen is general, but colour correction  can be broken down to more specificly (as you suggest in the compromise section of your suggestions).

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Postby BBushe » Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:33 am

BTW I thought the video tips and text for the 101 class were invaluable. I unfortunately get long periods away from photo-work so it is invaluable going back over the original text.

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