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The Curvemeister 3 beta test. Please post and discuss bugs, screen shots, suggestions, and any other information about your testing. This board is only visible to Curvemeister 3 beta testers.
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Postby -default » Wed Apr 23, 2008 6:10 pm

Sorry - I misread your post. 

I'm starting to make a list of CM 4 features, and this is definitely on it.  Meantime, the action will see how much use this feature would actually get.

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Postby ggroess » Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:46 pm

You the time we are done with you there will be a Curvemeister Photo Editing Software. 


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Postby -default » Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:01 pm

Are you asking for a button in Curvemeister that starts Photoshop? :-)

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Postby ggroess » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:13 am

How about CMPhoto Pro.

All the bells and whistles none of the baggage...

Posts: 1916
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Postby -default » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:36 am

Sounds like a train!

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:58 am

Speaking of CM4 features and train wrecks :), it would be so amazing to be able to modify a mask right there in that nice big CM window. Though it could be done in PS, this is a case where it would be much easier and more intuitive (I think) to do it in CM, after comparing masks in the mask carte. It would just be so awesome to be able to adjust and tweak areas ...

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Postby ggroess » Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:48 pm

"I see a red door and I want to paint it black...."

Cool Idea..I bet that one is tough....It would make it faster...but PS and PSE have the painting tools already in place. 
Can you say "scope creep...."


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Postby -default » Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:06 pm

As a workaround, you could copy the mask, paste it to the smart filter layer mask, and run curvemeister on the mask from there.  This would also give you the benefit of all of Photoshop's painting and other tools.

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:34 pm

The cut and paste workaround is pretty much what I do now. But if I'm in PS, I can't see the mask carte to help see the best mask for the job, and if I'm in CM I can't use just part of the mask.  The bottom line is I am rarely satisfied with one unadjusted mask. Now, if I could layer two masks in CM, and then use the  CM L'raser to erase parts of the masks that I don't need, why I wouldn't have anything left to complain about, would I? Because everyone knows an eraser is different from a brush...

Okay, I can see I'm gong to have to wait for version 8.0,. No Prob.

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Postby -default » Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:23 pm

Two masks might not be that hard.  It would be excellent to also be able to paint on the mask.  I've thought about this a lot, and haven't come up with a way to do this without having to do a large amount of programming to recreate PhotoShop's ability to paint on an image.

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