contrast pin a marked point

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Sat Oct 27, 2007 3:01 pm

If I mark a couple of points on my curve, and then decide I would like to take one of those points and make a contrast pin, I can't. At least through the right click menu.  It would be a nice but not necessary option.

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Postby ggroess » Sat Oct 27, 2007 6:30 pm

I see your point but that kind of defeats the Contrast Pinning option.
Are you trying to set more "range" for your contrast selection? 
Would you not be better off using a good old fashioned "s curve" and being done with it?? 

I have begun to see the worm as a "very local" contrast tool.  When I have had to talk people throught the process of a lizard tail type curve it has always been annoying that there was no way to set the short contrast range and adjust within it.  Doing so in CM2 results in flat spots and bad tonal values in the adjusted part. 

BTW you can make any 2 points a "Contrast Pinning" curve with a Ctrl-Click on the second point. 
They should rotate unless there is another point in between them.


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Postby mikemeister_admin » Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:55 am

Not more range, precisely. I have found that marking certain areas when evaluating the image helps me decide how I'm going to approach corrections. Very nice tool to help keep track of things.  And I really like the rotate tool. I would like to be able to just select the general range of the mark and rotate. Maybe a contrast pin would be too limiting--I don't know how tightly it pins, I guess.  In PS I generally scroll over the image watching the curve for the range, and then make the appropriate curve over that area.

BTW you can make any 2 points a "Contrast Pinning" curve with a Ctrl-Click on the second point.
They should rotate unless there is another point in between them.

I'll see how things develop--I'll either just set my own curve, or do what you suggest here. Thanks, Greg.

I just saw there are pin modes. Wow. I may want rotate modes by the end of the day...ouch.


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Postby -default » Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:57 pm

This one will be in the next release, which is coming up in the next couple of days.

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