Marian, Session 1, Example 3

This board is for the August 2007 Curvemeister 101 Class
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Postby mikemeister_admin » Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:37 am

I worked through the wizard and selected a dark point in the flower, and the highlight on the eye of the bee.  However, I still feel the image is too stark and bright.  But, the RGB had the most normal coloring vs the Lab that had a gray undertone to it.

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Postby -default » Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:11 am

I threw you a curve ball with this image, because it has no highlight as such.  Don't be fooled by the highlight on the bee's eye.  That's a specular highlight, and since it does not contain any detail, it can be pure white, and should therefore not be used as the highlight of the image.

Anyway, your result is not bad at all.  You've got a good sense of retaining detail in the brighter areas, even the red flowers which can lose contrast very easily.

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