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Postby mikemeister_admin » Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:45 pm

that's it...
I've done this following exactly the  example showed
in the PDF file in curvemeister using the threshold command
and he saturation slider. That way the LAB file were much
more saturated than in the RGB.
(seems that I'll never use RGB again!!)
This looks very very bright to me but it fits the photo
(it looks strange as I'm not accustomed to such brillant colors in the reality)
My way was to keep the maximum details in the bee "hair" and in the flower.

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Postby ggroess » Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:42 pm

Very nice...

I use LAB for most of the images I work on..It is without doubt the most intuitive color space for me.  I like the fact that the lightness curve is not tied to color.  I will also tell you that there are images that just cannot be solved in LAB alone...or worse yet not at all.

Do keep using the RGB space when you can but enjoy the new freedom you have with LAB.

As for saturation...the trick in that area is to be as bold as possible and yet still believeable.  There is a line that once crossed you will make the image impossible...with colors that do not really exist.

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