Wai-hong Chung, week 1 example 1

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Postby -default » Tue Jul 03, 2007 5:41 am

Hi Mike,

I don't know how to post a picture to the class! Please show me how to do it.

Attached herewith is the Example 1 that I've done. Please post it for me.

I found the RGB version for setting Shadow Point more colorful than the LAB version. Is there any reasons?

Also, I don't understand your sentence  "Drag this point around a little bit until you have broken up any solid areas of black."?

Thank you in advance!

Wai-hong Chung from Hog Kong

Posts: 1916
Joined: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:53 am

Postby -default » Tue Jul 03, 2007 6:05 am

> I don't know how to post a picture to the class! Please show me how to do it.

When you post to the class, click on "Additonal Options" at the bottom of the window, and Browse for the image.  Here's a link to a help file that shows how to do this.  (After clicking on this link, click on the "Additional Opotions" item in the documentation to see the Browse button.:

> Attached herewith is the Example 1 that I've done. Please post it for me.

No problem.

> I found the RGB version for setting Shadow Point more colorful than the LAB version. Is there any reasons?

This is very observant of you, and one of the things that I hope people will learn from the example.  Yes, RGB adds color if you increase the contrast.  Usually this is a good thing, but not always.

> Also, I don't understand your sentence  "Drag this point around a little bit until you have broken up any solid areas of black."?

As you drag around the shadow point that you created on the image, you'll see specks of black under the shadow point.  The idea is to make sure that any areas that you care about are not solid black.

Mike Russell  - www.curvemeister.com

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Postby ggroess » Tue Jul 03, 2007 12:48 pm

You can also read the article here that describes the "moving the point around" aspect of the set points process.


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Postby mikemeister_admin » Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:11 pm

Hi Mike,

Thank you for your guidance!

Mr. Greg Groesse,

Your advise on "moving the points around" are very useful! :D

Wai-hong Chung

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