Week 6 solutions are posted.

This is the discussion thread for the September 2010 Class.
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Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 2:15 am

Postby ggroess » Sat Sep 11, 2010 8:25 pm

Whew!  We are finally here.  It is my sincere hope that all of you have found something useful in the past 7 weeks and that you continue to explore and discover possibilities you can use with CM and Photoshop. 

While the formal class has finished, this week is about clean up and closure.  I know that we will have questions and that some of you still have lingering problems.  DO NOT Stop asking questions.  We are here for as long as you need.  The forum does not tolerate aggressive responses and we do not allow people to make you feel like you are stupid; so if you need help...ask.  Most of the people who visit regularly love to help out.

Please watch the solution videos and ask any other questions you want to.  All weeks are up for discussion.

1) The boards stay available to you for the next 1-2 years.  I still have boards from 2007 I can see...
2) The course materials stay available as well but...If you access the course page while a new class is in session you will not be able to go further than the week the class is currently using.
3) The general forum is a great place to get additional information.  Ask a question and Mike, Myself or one of the others who follow along will jump in to answer.

If you receive this note as an e-mail the Hyper-link most likely will not direct you to the website.
Please proceed to the forum and follow the link within the original posting to get to the assignment page.

Please post images you are having trouble with or would like some suggestions on.  The more discussion out here the better the understanding you will have of the plug-in.

I can promise you that I will do whatever it takes to make sure you understand the materials and the CM plug in. 

Here is the link
The ID is: cm101
The Password is: photoshop



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