Final weeks solutions posted

This board is for the December 2009 Curvemeister 101 class.
Posts: 5342
Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 2:15 am

Postby ggroess » Sat Dec 12, 2009 3:52 pm

The suggested solutions to the images from this week are posted.

The Boards have been very quiet during this class session..Is everyone getting their questions answered??  Please post any questions you might have.

This board and the links pages are available to you for quite some time.  If you return to the board and the link to the material is not at the final week We are teaching a class.  I can provide a separate link to you upon request to the last page so you can access all the materials.

Please also feel free to check back on the forum and participate in the discussions that are going on.  We welcome everyone to discuss photography with us.  Thanks for trying using the Curvemeister plug in and we hope you have learned something new while you have been here.

If you have any questions you need answers for please feel free to post them so we get you some answers

Please post your images to separate topics. 
If your images are attached to other peoples postings it gets difficult to manage the responses.

Here is the link
The ID is: cm101
The Password is: photoshop

Mike and Greg

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