The November Class will be starting soon

New versions of Curvemeister, including bug fixes and features, are discussed here.
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Postby ggroess » Sat Oct 25, 2008 11:51 pm

The Curvemeister 101 class will be starting soon.  Sign up is from now through Nov 8th. 

The sessions will start out on the 2nd with the open forum and free form discussion that we have added to get people used to the boards and posting images online.

To join the class purchase a Curvemeister 101 ticket.

The cost is $30. 

Please email if you have any questions before or during the enrollment process.

This class is about improving the colors in your photographs using an enhanced curve control that is supported by the Curvemeister plugin. You will be able to use the principles you learn in this class with any photo editing program that uses curves.

You must have access to a Windows system with any version of Photoshop 5.5 through CS4 (32 bit currently) or any version of Elements installed, and the Curvemeister 3 plugin. You may use the demo version of Curvemeister 3 for the class.


The Curvemeister 3 class is normally six weeks, with an extra 1st week for the November class.  We will also be using a screen share program where Greg or Mike will "share out" their screen and Skype will provide the voice "conference call" ability. This screen share session lasts at least one 1 hour, is also free and we had a very good time in the last class with it.

Greg and Mike

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