I am still learning the difference, but I believe this is an underexposed picture of my dog (first attachment).
2nd attachment:
I used the wizard, and selected darks (shadow behind on right) and lights (right under her chin). However, I am wondering if it turned out too light. I picked the RGB version.
3rd attachment:
This time I tried out the option to just click on the picture to set the lights and darks. The only difference I did was select the dark on the alarm clock face in the (messy!) background. The lab version looked the best w/ the saturation of colors I pulled out through moving the bar.
4th attachment:
I used the threshold control for this one. I ended up w/ using the Lab version, however, the RGB was able to make the white fur look more "normal" whereas the Lab made it stark white.
Marian, Session 1, Example 5
I like your second one the best, because of the added brightness, and the fact that the dog stands out against the background. There is one problem with it, though, and that is the shiny elements of the ruff are starting to blow out and lose detail What would be ideal would be to have the best of both worlds, and this can be done with more variation in the curve shapes, which we'll look at next week. A mask can also help with this, but I would like to keep the use of masks to a minimum for the purposes of this class.
I hope the dog is female, otherwise the humiliation with the other dogs might be unbearable. Seriously, though, this is a very cute picture of a very loved dog.
I hope the dog is female, otherwise the humiliation with the other dogs might be unbearable. Seriously, though, this is a very cute picture of a very loved dog.
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