for the 4th one I used the levels command of which I'm more comfortable with than curves (that's why I'd enroll this class ;D)
and I use a sort of threshold command that's inside the level menu, I simply press ALT during moving any of both sliders and the preview changes itself to a threshold preview very similar to the CM one. This image is in RGB. As always my aim was to keep details in the flower. The only thing is this seems to be too yellow (than a bit orange) than in reality.
week 1 example 4 infinitech
The reality is the tough part...since you did not shoot the image your choice of color is important to you...I will tell you that the flower in question is in fact VERY yellow...
Try this one again but use the threshold tools in CM. I think you will find them very easy to use once you get a hand into them.
Read the article found here at this link and apply the technique to the flower image.
These should help you out...
Try this one again but use the threshold tools in CM. I think you will find them very easy to use once you get a hand into them.
Read the article found here at this link and apply the technique to the flower image.
These should help you out...
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