ganna c1s2 example1

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Postby imported_ganna » Sun May 20, 2007 8:38 pm

See on screenshot my shadow, highlight and neutral points, in Lightness channel of LAB. Saturation is 1.4
Problem is I see a little green tint on the scull. In example01w I added a little red and reduced green a bit in the RGB channel (same image as a second stage). I still feel very unsure. Perhaps a bit oversaturated?

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Postby ggroess » Sun May 20, 2007 11:34 pm

of the two I would say the LAB is closer to what you want to be going for.  That said it still has some problems. 

The grey squares are still a bit red, and yes...the skull does have a green cast due to the bushy duster thingy...I can see why you wanted to add red to the image to make it go away.  What you might want to do instead is use the RGB curve.  Remove the green from the very small part of the curve that is in the skull.  Right click on the skull and choose mark.  Go to the green curve in RGB and set some control points above and below the marked spot...

make sure they are far enough away as to allow you to make the change you want but close enough that you can keep the correction local to the skull.  you can do the same thing to the red channel with the grey squares.  Make marks and small changes and see if you can get the colors back where they belong.

Last item...The black While this may be the darkest shadow in the frame, this may not always be the case.   you might want to threshold the black square and make sure that it is in fact the darkest shadow on the image.


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Postby -default » Tue May 22, 2007 4:28 pm

Dynamite, Greg.  I can't think of anything to add, except to congratulate Ganna on being the first one to notice the green tint.

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