Try my luck curve or automated curve would be neat.

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:17 pm

  When playing with curves, I find myself trying to increase the slope of the curve where the histogram is taller or has more pixels and flatten the curve where it has less pixels.  I think that it would be handy to have something like googles picasa called try my luck but with curves.  It seems that a fairly simple algorithm could adjust the slope of the curve to match the pixel count.  You could try it with each rgb channel or just with the lightness curve in LAB mode.  You could also bring the end points in to match the ends of the histogram.  This could give us something to start with.

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Postby -default » Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:26 am

I like the concept, and will certainly consider something like this.

The histogram is a misleading beast, however, and I'd prefer to have the "automatic" adjustment depend on your own decision about what is important in the image.

This is out there in blue sky land, but perhaps something like the ability to place several "these are interesting parts of the image" marks, and have curvemeister increase the contrast for those areas.


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