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Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 7:45 pm
by imported_ganna
Only in LAB (see attached sreenshot) I sharpened in Unsharp mask (60 40 Thres=5) to boost the overall contrast a bit.
Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 11:11 pm
by ggroess
Try to bring out the detail in the rose inside of these droplets...Use the L curve in Lab and see what you can do..the rose can be quite dark if needed
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:29 am
by -default
Not bad at all. Two things to keep in mind.
One is that the a and b curves are generally kept as straight lines, changing only the slope (with the saturation slider or the endppoints) and the center point (by setting a neutral, or manually making the curve off center while watching the hue clock). Or you can bend the a or b curves, as Greg did for the sky in the Half Dome image.
The other one is to ignore the histogram - it provides you with no additional image, and in some cases people shape their curves to either match the endpoints of the histogram instead of using the threshold control, or match the shape of the curve to the shape of the histogram - not a good thing either as it is best to look for a part of the image that needs more detail, and make the curve slightly steeper there.