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Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:06 am
by mikemeister_admin
Hi Mike

I'm beginning to think that this may be a little over my head. I haven't used one of these boards before and I'm not sure how to post my pics. I've done the exercises and have saved the pics to my hard drive. I have read the help file but still can't get my head around how to post the pics on the board. Sorry if this is old hat for others. Would appreciate some advice. Thanks Cheers Bev

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:52 pm
by mikemeister_admin
Hi Bev,
I'm not Mike but I will tell you how to post your pics. When you hit post, you will see a box to post in and a statement that says  Additional Options  
When you click on that, you will see the following statements beside check boxes and a box to put your attachment into.
When you click on  Browse, your directory should come up for you to select the file to post.
If you would nlike to post more than one, click on  (more attachments)

Notify me of replies.
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Don't use smileys.
Attach: (more attachments)
Maximum attachment size allowed: 200 KB, per post: 8

Hope this helps.
Mike if you don't want me to do this just let me know please.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:02 pm
by ggroess
Feel free to help each other as needed...

Remember to keep the individual file sizes to less than 200kb or you will hit the wall so to speak. 
