aglet - session 1 examples 1 & 2

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Mon Jul 02, 2007 4:40 pm

Example 1 - used RGB (to retain color);
R 115/0, 128/38, 190/28; G 115/0, 128/32, 188/128; B 115/0, 176/128; RGB 91/111

Example 2 - used RGB (to retain color);
R 85/179, 111/255; G 117/255; B 114/255; RGB 85/117

Ideally, the results should be the same -- identical photos.  But I was unable to achieve this in the time I spent on it.

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Postby ggroess » Tue Jul 03, 2007 6:08 pm

You probably should revisit the highlight point setting on these and see if there are brighter highlights in the image.  It seems like they are a bit over exposed.

You should be able to get the same tonal range for both images.  The color might look different slightly different but otherwise you should be able to do it...


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