Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 2:37 am
Welcome to the August Curvemeister 101 Class.
Instructions on how to participate, and the download for the first week's materials are located here:
This is a self paced class, however you should try to have each week's materials completed by the following Sunday so that you can participate in class discussions.
The class board will be your main point of contact with the class. It is located here:
If you have any questions, either post to the class board, or email me at
I'm excited to get your reaction to the class materials, and to see what you can do with curves.
Many thanks in advance to Greg Groess, who has made an enormous positive contribution to past classes, as I hope he will to this one. One or the other of us - sometimes both - will respond to each example image or question that you post. Don't hesitate to submit the same image again. If you do another version of an image, do so on a separate topic so that we can tell whether your message has been responded to.
You can add to the class experience for others by commenting on each other's work, and by asking questions in the class board. Don't let us get away with explaining something halfway - keep at it and the rest of the class will benefit.
Instructions on how to participate, and the download for the first week's materials are located here:
This is a self paced class, however you should try to have each week's materials completed by the following Sunday so that you can participate in class discussions.
The class board will be your main point of contact with the class. It is located here:
If you have any questions, either post to the class board, or email me at
I'm excited to get your reaction to the class materials, and to see what you can do with curves.
Many thanks in advance to Greg Groess, who has made an enormous positive contribution to past classes, as I hope he will to this one. One or the other of us - sometimes both - will respond to each example image or question that you post. Don't hesitate to submit the same image again. If you do another version of an image, do so on a separate topic so that we can tell whether your message has been responded to.
You can add to the class experience for others by commenting on each other's work, and by asking questions in the class board. Don't let us get away with explaining something halfway - keep at it and the rest of the class will benefit.