Welcome to the August Curvemeister 101 Class.
Instructions on how to participate, and the download for the first week's materials are located here:
This is a self paced class, however you should try to have each week's materials completed by the following Sunday so that you can participate in class discussions.
The class board will be your main point of contact with the class. It is located here:
If you have any questions, either post to the class board, or email me at mike@curvemeister.com.
I'm excited to get your reaction to the class materials, and to see what you can do with curves.
Many thanks in advance to Greg Groess, who has made an enormous positive contribution to past classes, as I hope he will to this one. One or the other of us - sometimes both - will respond to each example image or question that you post. Don't hesitate to submit the same image again. If you do another version of an image, do so on a separate topic so that we can tell whether your message has been responded to.
You can add to the class experience for others by commenting on each other's work, and by asking questions in the class board. Don't let us get away with explaining something halfway - keep at it and the rest of the class will benefit.
Welcome to the Class
Greetings Everyone,
In this class we will be taking on some interesting color and lighting problems using Curvemeister.
We will be working on Shadow, Highlight and Neutral first. Then we will be adding curves, adjusting color and detail. Next we move onto special curves for special problems and how to control the curve. Lastly we will cover Pinning a process of using a set value to correct specific color problems such as skin tones.
My job is to gently nudge you to try new things, provide feedback (critique) and hopefully get you to explore ways to add CM to your image correction toolbox and workflow. I am a freelance photographer with a strong interest in computers.
The success of the class is really defendant on your participation. If you post images we can respond and discuss. Please feel free to ask questions about each others work and add comments to the others as well. The more information we exchange the better you will all be at the process and integration of CM to your workflow.
Lastly a bit about posting images, as Mike stated please post your images in a separate thread. Please try to re-size them to the maximum detail you can get into a 600X800 image that is less that 200Kb in size. You can use the "save as" settings to achieve this or you can use the "save for web" process.
It really helps us to have as much detail as possible in the images you post because we download them and open them up to see what you have done and to give you suggestions on how to proceed with your image. Sometimes we will as for a repost or a posting of the curve that you created. You are able to save the curve in CM and you can post that file if needed.
Have fun, Ask questions, Happy Curving
In this class we will be taking on some interesting color and lighting problems using Curvemeister.
We will be working on Shadow, Highlight and Neutral first. Then we will be adding curves, adjusting color and detail. Next we move onto special curves for special problems and how to control the curve. Lastly we will cover Pinning a process of using a set value to correct specific color problems such as skin tones.
My job is to gently nudge you to try new things, provide feedback (critique) and hopefully get you to explore ways to add CM to your image correction toolbox and workflow. I am a freelance photographer with a strong interest in computers.
The success of the class is really defendant on your participation. If you post images we can respond and discuss. Please feel free to ask questions about each others work and add comments to the others as well. The more information we exchange the better you will all be at the process and integration of CM to your workflow.
Lastly a bit about posting images, as Mike stated please post your images in a separate thread. Please try to re-size them to the maximum detail you can get into a 600X800 image that is less that 200Kb in size. You can use the "save as" settings to achieve this or you can use the "save for web" process.
It really helps us to have as much detail as possible in the images you post because we download them and open them up to see what you have done and to give you suggestions on how to proceed with your image. Sometimes we will as for a repost or a posting of the curve that you created. You are able to save the curve in CM and you can post that file if needed.
Have fun, Ask questions, Happy Curving
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