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Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:41 pm
by imported_ganna
Mike, when I use the alt+> (with and without shift; alt+shift+> or just alt+>) in Lab mode, the buttons to scroll through the different masks like in your video is not there, so I cannot scroll. Also I cannot get back to the window with all the masks. I see in your video clip you were using version 3.0.1 I'm using the beta 3.0.5

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:51 pm
by -default
You're definitely not dim!  The buttons appear when you make the curve window tiny so that you can access all the tabs.  Alt > and < are keyboard shortcuts for commands that are also in under the Mask Tab in the ribbon, so you can use those for the time being until I figure out why the alt key shortcuts don't work.

Re the earlier question about getting the mask really dark (was it you?) be sure to click on the mask tab in the curve window to adjust the mask.