Bear Image week 1

This board is for the January 2008 Curvemeister 101 class
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Postby imported_ganna » Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:02 pm

Here is the Bear effort. Firstly I tuned a bit in the camera RAW file(1) then I played in Lab(2)
I burned a little catch light in the eye, used unsharp mask 20% radius 60 just to boost the contrast and take the haze away. Then I sharpened with smart sharpen 100% radius 0.5  I used the Burn tool around the corners to get a little vignetting effect, but I think I actually ruined it with my last step :P

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Postby -default » Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:23 pm

Much better - the muzzle of the bear is still blue, so I recommend using that as a neutral, rather than the nose.

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