The January 2008 class has started!

This board is for the January 2008 Curvemeister 101 class
Posts: 1916
Joined: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:53 am

Postby -default » Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:17 am

Greetings everyone - the January 2008 class has started.

I'll be teaching the class, with much valued help from Greg Groess.

Class instructions and materials are available here:

The class board, which will be our main source of communication, is here.  You may post any questions you may have to this board, or email me individually at 

Please don't hesitate to email me with any questions, particularly if you find yourself spending more than a few minutes doing something, such as posting to the board, that you think should be easy. Please don't spin your wheels.  If something is hard for you to figure out, chances are someone else is having exactly the same problem, and I generally respond very quickly to questions.

I notice some familiar faces here, and I'm concerned that the first session, in particular, may be too easy for you, since you've taken the earlier version of the class.  I would encourage those of you who have taken the class before to tackle the two additional underexposed images - these are advanced images so see what you can do with them.  Also, to keep the more experienced folks on their toes, I'll be adding additional images and challenges during the week that will be more at the intermediate and advanced level.  In response 've added new material that discusses non-Curvemeister functions, such as sharpening and noise removal, that should be of general interest. 

Greg also has some material he has prepared, so watch this space for more challenges.  Hint - if you don't want to have to keep checking back, click on the Notify tab at the top of the class group and you will receive an email when a new topic or post is available.

As always, you are welcome to post a few words, by way of introduction here, and I encourage you to upload any images you may have that you think might interest the class, or that you are personally interested in seeing how to improve.

Thanks for coming.  Time for some fun with colors!


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