Interactive Screen Share Session

This board is for the January 2009 Curvemeister 101 class.
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Postby ggroess » Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:16 am

During this class I will be doing at least 1 interactive session using Skype for voice and a screen sharing program called "Show My PC"

I am looking for feedback as to how many would be interested, how willing people are to use Skype and, topics you are interested in seeing more information about.

Because we have people from all over the world we would need to schedule the session(s) pretty tightly and some coordination of connections to Skype for the conference call need to be arranged before we actually attempt this.

My current thoughts about this are:

1) Verify interest.
2) Ask people to download, install and configure Skype or another program capable of using the skype system to do the voice part of the session.
3) Schedule 1st session at least a week ahead of time for a Saturday.  We are looking at 10:00 AM Central time USA.  -6 GMT on Saturday Feb 7th 2009.
4) Sessions would be limited to 1 hour due to the limits of the free software version we would use. (We can create a second session and continue)
5) Topics would need to be addressed before hand so we can focus on what you all want to see.

I am also thinking of offering single sessions to single users for specific trouble shooting and technique walk through as needed.

I would enjoy hearing your thoughts on this. 

P.S. Mike may be able to attend as well.

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:29 pm

I am very interested.  I have Skype. Not possible on  Saturday but Sunday would be ok if possible.

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Postby kessi » Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:47 pm

I am also very interested. Saturday or Sunday suits me. I've never used Skype but always wanted to. There was never any reason to use it. Seems like now is the time.

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Postby ggroess » Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:50 pm

The other part of the puzzle is the show my PC is small and works well..We have used it before with solid success.


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Postby Gary » Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:46 pm

I see no reason that I can't make it, I have used skype in the past but will have to update it. The other program should be no problem. Any day should work for me.


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Postby ggroess » Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:30 pm


Let's work for this to be Sunday at 10:00 AM CST which is -6 GMT  that should plaec it in the early evening for Thomas and early moning for California if Mike wants to join us. 

Please send me some suggestions for topics and possibly some images that you want to tackle. 
I'll take a look at them but not make any corrections until the conference.  If I have them ahead we do not have to waste time downloading them.
More details to come....


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Postby kessi » Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:20 am

Hi Greg, that is a good time for me as well.

One of the topics I would like to discuss is what colour space to decide to use when working on our own images.

We are having our photographic meeting today and I had to prepare some photos. Our set subject is "Macro and Close-ups". As I was going through my photos I had a total blank and could not make up my mind what images will do better with LAB, RGB and so on.
Before I started on this course, the wizard was fine but now there are so many choices that I jump around trying all and wasting a lot of time.


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Postby mikemeister_admin » Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:30 pm

Good idea from kessi. Maybe the interplay with photoshop Elements and Photoshop. What adjustments to do where? Shall we work on a test image together? Discuss alternative options to treat the same picture?

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Postby ggroess » Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:36 pm

Wonderful suggestions from Both of you.

If past sessions are a clue...these are common topics and hopefully your understanding and comfort will increase just by discussing them more. 

We shall work on any Images you like.  If you have any you want considered please forward them...

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Postby ggroess » Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:04 am

For those wanting to try the video conference on Sunday......

Please download the free version showmypc from the website. Version 2963 is free.
There is no install other than unzipping if needed.

Please also publish your Skype info when you get a chance. 

The start up format for the conference will be:

  • Start Skype conference call at 10:00 am Central USA / 15:00:00 UTC.

  • My Skype ID is ggroess Please post yours so I can invite you to the conference call

  • Verify all persons involved have a good skype connection and that we can all talk to each other.

  • I will then start the showmypc program and obtain a session number that I will share with you so you can connect to my PC. The video clock starts when I start the session so I want to make sure we are not wasting time with audio issues while the video clock is running.  We get 1 hour per session. We can start a second hour if we get kicked out.

  • We will need to verify that you are getting the screen image in >8 bit color.  The default is 8 bit and it looks really bad.  We will need to make sure that you are set above that level.


After that I will start with images and discussion.

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