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Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 2:03 am
by imported_julie
its been a very busy week. Started new job, had birthday, and associated celebrations, and tried to get my head around cs3. So I am trying to catch up today before link up tomorrow. I think I get this but i'm still abit clumsy. I did find it useful to fiddle a little with the mask when it was turned off after changing lightness,but I could see the different affects on the image as I changed it.
Any way see what you think. the pollution is ugly.
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:41 am
by ggroess
Other than the foreground shadows being blocked up It looks very good...
The shadows are a problem but the real goal is to get better at adjusting the masks...
If you can open up the foreground shadows you are very close...
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 5:15 am
by imported_julie
opened them up a bit but not in curves. Used shad highlight. Tried masks for a while but it all looked like too much was opening up no matter what I did. Then tried lizard tail but could not make it subtle enough to look real. then tried shadow highlight I think its looks ok. what do you think
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:26 am
by ggroess
not too bad...there is more...
I hope this one does not disturb your day..... ;D
Try this...Make a layer copy and add a mask to it..
Open the image in CM and make a mask from the green channel by inverting it so the greens are white and then move the whole curve to the right until only the foreground is white and the rest of the image is black....Shot4. copy the mask layer using the copy command in CM.
Then apply it as the mask to the new layer...alt-click on the mask and paste it with Ctrl-V. shot5
Set the layer to "screen" and about 40% shot6.
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:48 am
by imported_julie
been trying to work on the flower vendor and its just about done my head in. And then I read this. My head just exploded all over my computer. I'll take a small break and start again.
PS. I really do like this course.
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:27 pm
by ggroess
perhaps after the conference call it will get easier...I know sometimes we post ideas that are from off world....You will probably see something today that will open your eyes and then it will get easier...