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Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:28 am
by imported_julie
I found this very difficult. First I tried to get rid of the blue/purple in rgb but I forgot to save that screen. Then I went into lab and agonised for what seemed hours. This was my best shot. I even tried CMYK at one time. I think I have sort of got the skin tones but something seems off in the rest of the photo. I also could not get the yellow out of the collar or paper. I would be very pleased to get some feedback, positive or negative.

I also used shadow/highlight to open up the shadows just a little bit and added some sharpening and I am trying to make myself use unsharp mask in photoshop elements. I have my copy of photoshop but am waiting until I get my photoshop upgrade of curvemeister before I try to use it.

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 3:31 pm
by ggroess
This is not an easy image...That is due mostly to your personal knowledge of what looks "normal" To me in your image the concrete looks too green...That is a personal choice since the hue clocks I set did not show too much of a variation +/- 3 points in LAB.  I adjusted the RGB green channel as shown but again it is well within normal. 

The Yellow/Green paper and collar are problems if you do not apply other tools...I would probably clone out the paper and create a mask for the collar as the easiest solution.  But for our class those items present problems that give us a chance to learn more about what curves can do well and what types of things cause us to pull our hair out.

I also have a problem with the contrast of the original and can see anyone opening the shadows a bit so that was a wise choice.  Overall I think you have a solid correction that might require a few minor tweaks...I made a change and used the compare button the first time I looked at your image...It helped confirm for me at least that the concrete was too green...


Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 3:41 pm
by mikemeister_admin
Nice job with the skin tone,especially the legs.GregM