Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:56 pm
first of all I used RGB to try and get rid of the blue in the shadows. I did save the screen shot but it seems if I put rgb in the name it just wont save. I dont know why. Anyway I have included just the result of this so you can let me know how I went. I shut curvemeister and wwent back in to lab and set highlight and shadow but forgot neutral. Do I still need to if I have tried to get rid of blue in rgb already. I chose to set the shadow on the tiger. I played with it for a while but decided to sacrifice the shadow detail for the tiger. I then added some saturation. I then went back into photoshop and added sharpening using neat image and used shadow/highlight to recover a little detail lost in the tree trunk.
I think this is Ok. I have probably left too much of the shadow too dark, but I do like the way the tiger stands out. Is the grass too green
first of all I used RGB to try and get rid of the blue in the shadows. I did save the screen shot but it seems if I put rgb in the name it just wont save. I dont know why. Anyway I have included just the result of this so you can let me know how I went. I shut curvemeister and wwent back in to lab and set highlight and shadow but forgot neutral. Do I still need to if I have tried to get rid of blue in rgb already. I chose to set the shadow on the tiger. I played with it for a while but decided to sacrifice the shadow detail for the tiger. I then added some saturation. I then went back into photoshop and added sharpening using neat image and used shadow/highlight to recover a little detail lost in the tree trunk.
I think this is Ok. I have probably left too much of the shadow too dark, but I do like the way the tiger stands out. Is the grass too green