JoAnn's Dandelion Week One

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Postby joann » Wed Oct 07, 2009 5:51 pm

Had time for one more example.
I think the Lab looks pretty good. The rgb is too dark and I don't know how to fix it. I tried a few things but I'm not happy with it.
JoAnn H
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Postby ggroess » Wed Oct 07, 2009 6:47 pm

The lab version looks pretty good but you have slightly blown out the highlight end of the curve.  Try looking a the thresholds.  The shadow side looks fine..I might even go further and make the background darker.  The highlight side of the L channel needs to be moved to the Left a bit.  Watch for the details in the yellows to return to the image as you adjust this...Use the "Compare" button if you need to to make sure you can see the changes...There is a crease line in the center of each individual petal that you should see when you have the highlights in a better place.

Other than the highlights you have a really nice correction going.

RGB is in the same boat...the highlights are a bit overdone.  Same correction but it is misleading because the highlight mask turns colors as you adjust.  When you have the threshold selected try to drive the red flecks out of the flower petals....

The brightness can be adjusted a little bit by going to the master RGB curve and pulling the shadow end of the curve straight down a bit.  You will move the shadow end of each curve equally so there should be little color cast introduced.  That is a fairly aggressive move and I would normally tell you to not go there...but...hey you asked....


Posts: 184
Joined: Sat Nov 22, 2008 11:19 pm

Postby joann » Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:38 pm

I tried to make the changes you suggested. However, I couldn't figure out where or how to pull the shadow down in the master rgb. Could you post a screen shot of this?
JoAnn H
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Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 2:15 am

Postby ggroess » Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:49 pm

If you grab the upper corner of the grid you can move the endpoint of the line down in this case. 
It will brighten the image but is also effects the contrast.  The White pointer shows where the end of the line is...the blue arrow is direction.

As we get further into this there are techniques that will help you with shadow and highlight control.


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