julie week 1 balls

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Postby imported_julie » Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:36 am

i had some difficulty here but chose highlight. I found it had to get the balance ok and not make it too bright or too dull
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Postby ggroess » Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:26 am

Nicely done,

BTW as an added extra bonus you brought out some of the color in the image...the green in the background is just the beginning...If you want to play a bit try to see if you can get some color in the balls without getting a fringe...

I would start ...out of CM... by using the shadow/highlight command in PS or PSE. 
There is a ton more info in the image...It is surprising really when you push this one around a bit...


Posts: 464
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Postby imported_julie » Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:09 am

I tried but just didn't really know where to start after shadow highlight. I have got some green reflection but not much. I also lost brightness

Nicely done,

BTW as an added extra bonus you brought out some of the color in the image...the green in the background is just the beginning...If you want to play a bit try to see if you can get some color in the balls without getting a fringe...

I would start ...out of CM... by using the shadow/highlight command in PS or PSE.  
There is a ton more info in the image...It is surprising really when you push this one around a bit...


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Posts: 5342
Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 2:15 am

Postby ggroess » Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:35 pm

Where to go next is really a matter of "what do you think you want to try to fix?"  For me I start by making a short list of problems with an image and then trying to fix as many of the items as possible.

For instance in this image, I see details in the balls but it is poorly defined.  I know there is color in the image now since I brought it out in the Shadow/Highlight process.  Can I get more color into the balls without making the rest of the image look too false?  I know there are not enough pixels for this particular image but what can I do with what I have?  Does the image look stronger dark?  Are these changes improving the image?

There is always more but there is the point of diminishing returns...For me the trick is quitting when I'm ahead. 

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