I'd like to thank the everyone for their patience and efforts over the last few weeks. Your Journey into the color and image correction world has really only just begun. Have patience with yourself and keep trying to figure out new ways of making your images look better.
I'd like to thank the conference call participants for their great questions and willingness to try a different approach to this class. I thought it went wonderful and we spent 3 hours talking about some very interesting images...
I would suggest that you take part of this coming week to review the earlier lessons and re-try some of those images. Bring all the tools and techniques you have learned into the picture and see what you can do. I'd also invite you to post something you have worked on that was not a part of the class that you'd like to show off.
Remember that your access to the class and materials is on-going, you will be able to access the class forum and assignment pages for at least a year. If you get to the assignment page and you cannot see the week you want it might be because we are currently running a class and the pages are in use. If that happens send me an e-mail and I'll get you the direct link to the page you want.
I'll be posting versions of some of the weekly class images that I worked on over the week with some direction to push them even further....
You will need the following information:
User ID: cm101
Password: photoshop
Happy Curving
Week 6 is over....The final solutions page is posted...
This is the Class board for the Curvemeister 101 class.
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