Week 5: Example 1 - Black Tassels

This is the forum for posting to the June 2010 CM 101 Class
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Postby leeharper_admin » Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:35 pm

You're right - the time is going too quickly; I can't believe that the course is nearly over! You realise I hope that I'm going to be hounding you about the 201 course as soon as 101 is finished ;)

This correction follows the directions in the notes, so I won't recount what I did - except to mention that I was careful with the contrast of the mask so that there was still definition within the tassels (and by doing so I find that there is some slight red fringing present in the image - though at this size it doesn't really bother me). If I were to print this, I might have applied a secondary (masked) HSB curve.

This is a simple exercise, but I learned during the video hint that a move to the L channel would not darken the tassels until I desaturated the tassels somewhat - which was a new revelation!

wk5_ex1_lh-jpg (999 Bytes) Viewed 7685 times

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Postby ggroess » Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:58 pm

It is a simple exercise and yet..your mask is allowing the red to bleed through.....
Soften the mask curve a bit to cover the shadows and you should have it...


Posts: 263
Joined: Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:39 pm

Postby leeharper_admin » Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:23 pm

Here's another version that I was a bit more careful with. The JPG compression has plugged the shadows more than what I see on the full quality version (I actually had two new attempts at this - the first new version plugged the shadows too much; the one I'm uploading is more gentle)...

The curves are quite similar. What I didn't save as a curve file was a second pass, which added neutral and highlight pins, and added yellow to the tree. I also flattened the light half of the a channel because the grey marble was reflecting some red from the original tassels, and I wanted to get rid of it (it was a telltale sign that the picture had been manipulated).

I'm glad I had another go - keep prodding me to fix anything I miss  ;)

wk5_ex1_v2_lh-jpg (272.38 KiB) Viewed 7685 times
(70 Bytes) Downloaded 477 times

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