Week 3: Exercise 6 - St Vitus Cathedral, Prague. Removing a Shadow Cast (1)

This is the forum for posting to the June 2010 CM 101 Class
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Postby leeharper_admin » Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:39 am

I've just had a crack at this. I started by following the instructions, but as you'll see from my curves I decided to follow my own path with this. I added some points to the red channel to make the sky slightly more cyan. On my screen I thought it looked better that way  :).

I'm posting two versions - one which is a straight colour correction; the other has an additional steepening of the Lab b channel to make the sky look a bit nicer  ;). v1 is the correction only; v2 has got the saturation boost.

Once I was finished in CurveMeister I pasted a bogus black channel (in Multiply blend mode) on top. I tried to copy/paste the K mask using CurveMeister's Copy Channel button, but it didn't work (I seem to remember you saying that there were some bugs with copying the K mask).

wk3_ex6_v2_lh-jpg (999 Bytes) Viewed 3819 times
wk3_ex6_v1_lh-jpg (999 Bytes) Viewed 3819 times
(999 Bytes) Not downloaded yet

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Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 2:15 am

Postby ggroess » Mon Jul 05, 2010 3:21 pm

There indeed are some bugs..you could try a L channel I'm not sure the effect will the same.


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