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Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:20 am
by sjordan93436
Is this what you want?

HSB is very different.  I have never used it before. 

My previous posts about going back.  Is it best with saving the curves?  Numbering them?  Then I could replicate later.  In this image it is irrelevant, but later...

I did a version 2.  I moved the brightness curve for more contrast and messed with the saturation sone.l

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 1:44 pm
by ggroess
HSB is kind of an odd duck. It just happens to be very useful at times...for this image we are going to let some of the color correction go by the wayside since we are focused on shape and saturation.  Try desaturating your image just a bit and see if the shape of the pumpkins gets a bit better.  I have attached an ACV file for you to apply.  Let me know if you have trouble with the ACV process.

re: Going back...If you apply a curve CM saves it to the history folder.  See shot1.  The files are the ACV files you can save to your desk if you like.  the curves in the history folder are the ones you have actually applied.

If you want to re-use a curve you have already used it; it is safe in the history..Shot2. 

As an example you can also re-use a curve by using a Photoshop shortcut.  Here is how...Adjust a image witha curve file and apply the curve.  Save and close the image.  Open a new image that would benefit from the same or similar curve.  Press Ctrl-F and Curvemeister will be applied to the current image. 



Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:35 pm
by mikemeister_admin
Steve,in practice I've found it's best to leave the saturation diagonal anchored at 0,0 and just slide the top over to where the sat histogram ends,changing the slope,like the slider in Lab.Raising the diagonal in a curve can suggest shape in things like motorcycle gas fenders,eightballs and pumpkins.The part of the sat curve I pulled down was to controll the red-magenta that can overwhelm this image.I also used a lizzard tail way over to the left in the brightness channel to bring out the lettering of the box.I moved the rest of the brightness curve back near the original diagonal.GregM

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 4:06 am
by sjordan93436
GregG- thanks.  I guess I should read the manual.  Saving the curves by name is easier, but the history files work fine,  The advantage of smart filters is saving the pins. 

I reduced the saturation and the tried to increase the contrast that GregM suggested.  I could read the label.

I guess version one was way over board.  I like orange pumpkins.

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 12:01 pm
by ggroess
I like orange pumpkins too...but the latest version is much better...

Don't worry we really only use HSB for special occasions.  Desaturation is one of it's better uses...
