Silver Balls

This is the discussion thread for the September 2010 Class.
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Postby mikemeister_admin » Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:28 am

Here's my attempt at the silver balls.  I just moved the slider until it looked OK, having no reference for what might be "right." 

[MUCH LATER]  I'm ending up with two images.  My first one I was in RGB and moved the ALL channel to lighten.  I did the same thing in LAB by moving the lightness channel top dot to the left and there was no difference.  It looked a little green to me, but I thought it was a B&W image so I figured it was my monitor.  Then I decided to do it again in LAB by using the Wizard, and to me, it looks much better.  (I couldn't remember the number for neutral gray so chose something in the 70's.)  Any thoughts?  I don't know why, but it took me about an hour for each version.

Where is everyone getting the original image for the carousel and fishing folks?  Are they just cutting and pasting the example in the assignment?

Man this is a deep class already.  One hour a day?  HA!  More like 3 or 4.  Make that 6 today...  Takes quite a while just to read the responses to the posts and watch the video posts (which I'm grateful for--not complaining!).  I may not get the assignments done by Sunday.

Are we supposed to "turn in" every image--i.e. the ones with 1 and 2 in the square?  I did these and they were easy.  I didn't try the ones with both the 1 & 2 in the same image.  Don't know if I'll have the time...

Muddling along.  I'm math impaired and just think I get something regarding the numbers on the graphs, then it leaves me.

floating-balls-jpg (999 Bytes) Viewed 4962 times
floating-balls-2-jpg (999 Bytes) Viewed 4962 times

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Postby ggroess » Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:24 pm

There is color in the silver balls image that is the surprise you find when you get the contrast range right.  At this stage of the game Shadow  / highlight and neutral should be your focus.  saturated colors are good and show a stronger understanding of what you should be doing but for now just get the S/H/N down and you'll be good.

The numbers images are just for you to play with and you need not post them.

The neutral number in the Lab image version is less of a concern than the fact that the Lab lightness channel made fast work of the adjustment.

The "numbers" come later in the course and should be a bit easier by then.  Try not to fixate too much on the numbers just yet.

The Carousel image is linked through the page you should be able to down load it...the fishing image was posted by Art as an image he wanted some help need not worry about that one..

Don't worry if you do not get completely done witht eh assignments this week you can post them all the way up to the end of class if you like and I'll still be here to help.

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Sat Sep 18, 2010 5:21 pm

So I was right that the one in which I merely moved the Lightness curve at the top had a green cast?  In your opinion, isn't the second one, in which I used highlight/neutral/shadows wizard a better rendition?  I was trying to make it B&W and still retain highlights and shadows.

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Postby ggroess » Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:28 am

Well if you were trying to make it B&W then you certainly did do that...I always look for the color so I know you have the tonal range right.  The color is not a cast but rather a reflection in the water from a nearby building.
The fact that it is gray by intent is just fine by me...

Both are good work

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