CMYK is a very subtle color space. It can be like a feather duster when compared to a sledge hammer like lab. That being said it is always a challenge to find saturation in CMYK because you are dealing with inks on paper not RGB pixels on a monitor or RGB print. I hope you tune in for the call this week as we will go over the CMYK image a bit more since CMYK is of interest to so many people.
You version needs some help but I'd like you to go back to the basics here...Shadow highlight and neutral. find those first and then see where you can make the color come in...There is an overall yellow cast to the image. This leaves it feeling flat.
You version needs some help but I'd like you to go back to the basics here...Shadow highlight and neutral. find those first and then see where you can make the color come in...There is an overall yellow cast to the image. This leaves it feeling flat.
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