Open Week Begins with a vacation Photo

This the forum board for the CM 101 class starting March 2013
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Postby imported_Tanja » Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:43 pm

Hi Art,

that's funny! Telepathy? I overread that point with the hue clock and immediately click on the neutral point.
Maybe because I had no hue clock by only setting the neutral point  ;)
Thank you! So easy solution!
Think, I'm rather using the pins and convert them. Confused me, when I'm not clear it absolutly  ;)

I try the contol-Z in cm. Curve is resettet, but not my picture.
What I do wrong?

What I find out is, that we have a manual zoom in cm. When Mouse is in the curve-menu, I'm able to zoom by scrolling. Great!

Does Miss Austin helps to bring all the colors back to place?
I never read her. All books more fly to me. Mabe now it's time for one of her.
And mabe I need another break from Mr. Margulis ;-) Lab-Book isn't print anymore in germany. Used books getting really expensive. I'm waiting too long to by it, because still busy with the other one from him.
What is your favorit book from Jane Austin?

Greetings, Tanja

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:23 am

Hi Tanja and Everyone,

Thanks for the lively conversation.  I am slowly making progress in duplicating Greg's work and your questions (and Greg's answers) help tremendously.  I may get this yet.

I did my first image in Lightroom because I have had no time to wotk on the image and I new I could dash something ut in camera raw.  I wanted to make my presence known so that everyone would know I was not ingnoring the class.  In answer to Tanjs's question about my Lightroom settings, attached are screen shots with the primary settings.  In addition, I had a gradient (-1.28 exposure) coming down from the top and one (-0.38 exposure) coming from the left.

Sorry for the digression into Lightroom from our topic.

screenshot001-jpg-3 (317.38 KiB) Viewed 11606 times
screenshot002-jpg-3 (319.92 KiB) Viewed 11606 times

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Postby imported_Tanja » Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:53 am

Hi Jerry,

thanks a lot for the screenshots!
I'm really new in Lightroom and didn't (doesn't?) updatet PS to the newer version. Still on CS5.
Great to see, what's possible only in the rawconversion.
By now, I only use LR for "Tonemapping" HDR 32bit-Tiffs, which is amazing and a few rawconversions.
Not often had the idea to load a jpg in CR before. Mabe now more often in LR.

Greetings, Tanja

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Postby imported_julie » Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:48 am

hi Greg

Had a go for fun and as a distraction from the project I am doing
any way here is my shot
I got rid of the blue in the central shadows but was unable to shift it in the ones further back and to the right
First just did my routine stuff
used chanels to increase luminosity
BTN for colour - difficult given no clear blacks greys or whites
then I tried to increase the curve in the reds.
i wanted to use the a channel but that included the greens so I had to use the b channel
then I fiddled with the sky to get rid of a bit of cyan
the reduced exposure
tried to do this by fading curves but they refused to fade 3 times. In the end just used level one of overexposed and faded in photoshop
sharpened using overlay and filter

anyway thats it


PS hi to everyone doing the class. You will love it 
luminosity-jpg (177.34 KiB) Viewed 11606 times
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blue-shadows-jpg (315.67 KiB) Viewed 11606 times
curving-reds-jpg (224.74 KiB) Viewed 11606 times
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end-jpg (283.14 KiB) Viewed 11606 times

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Postby ggroess » Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:26 am

Greetings Julie...

I'm glad you jumped in. 

Seems like it could use a bit more contrast...overall...
any thoughts??


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Postby imported_artmar » Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:28 pm

Hi Tanja,

Yes, you're right of course, control-z undoes the last change to the curve but not the image (maybe this is a bug in the program?). In order to reset the image you have to next click on "compare" in the lower right hand corner. An alternative: just pressing delete on the keyboard undoes the last change for both the curve and image. 

Reading Jane Austen definitely resets one's colour, and mental, acuity. She has a Mozart-like felicity and effortlessness that seems just as miraculous.  Pride and Prejudice is one of my favourites.


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Postby imported_Tanja » Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:41 pm

Hi Art,

the compare button is, what I searched! Thanks! I'm a big "before/after clicker" and miss that very much.
Del works fine too.
I found a right click menu in the curves box, but not really understand the diffrences. Learning by doing now  ;)

Greetings, Tanja

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Postby Rickypics » Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:59 pm

I apologize for not contributing as much as I would like. I am in the final cut for a Professor of Photography at a college near me and am having a devil of a time building a specific portfolio for the position. I anticipate having submitted my package by this Sunday and my time will clear up then.
You folks are much more advanced than I am so I do have some catching up to do. Thank you for your understanding.

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Postby imported_artmar » Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:10 pm

Hi Rick,

We're looking forward to your joining us. Good luck with your application!


Posts: 294
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Postby imported_Tanja » Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:21 pm

Hi Rick,

wow! How great! Good look from me too.

Greetings, Tanja

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