
This the forum board for the CM 101 class starting March 2013
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Postby imported_Tanja » Mon May 20, 2013 12:54 am

Hi Greg,

hey, looks very nice now!
Interesting that the sharpend bokeh had a little bit of the flair from old lenses, which I really love.
Remember me to my old Zeiss-Tessar. Over 50 years old.

Do you work with the color checker pins? Don't understand how you use it.

And thanks for the curves! It is a picture for my good neighbour, which I leave in a few days, because of a new home.
Uhh, have to show you one of the others. Inspired by you. Still a little bit too colorful for me, but my neighbour likes it.

Greetings, Tanja
flower-jpg (310.5 KiB) Viewed 15150 times

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Postby ggroess » Mon May 20, 2013 1:30 pm

For the color checker pins you need to have the color checker in the image...

Steps to use are as follows:

1) Shoot one image with Color Checker and one image without.
2) Use CM and Pins to color correct the image with the checker.  Click apply.
3) Open the image without the color checker and use the "history" curve from the previous image on the new image.

Since they were shot at the same time and lighting they should be identical except for the color checker being present in the image.


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Postby imported_Tanja » Tue May 21, 2013 11:07 pm

Hi Greg,

this was my idea for a trying. A color checker chart and bring these curves to the image.
But the problem was (as seen below on the chart picture), that the colors don't change by using a pin.
See a written "no effect" under the color numbers, when my mouse is over a pin. And excactly that happend. No effect by moving a pin in the right square of the picture with the color checker chart.
What do I wrong?

Greetings, Tanja

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Postby ggroess » Wed May 22, 2013 1:44 am

Post the color checker image and I'll give it a shot.


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Postby imported_Tanja » Thu May 23, 2013 10:11 pm

Hi Greg,

I posted a chart with definetly wrong colors on page one of this thread and tried the color checker pins on it with the result, that the pins don't change the colors.
When I use the profile editor from adobe, I have to set 4 points and press calculation button for getting the corrected colors.
Is it a difference with the cm-colorchecker pins? They don't chance anything. Even when I chose the pin for black and put it on the red chart field, the pin only shows me the numbers of the existing reds.

Greetings, Tanja

Posts: 5342
Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 2:15 am

Postby ggroess » Fri May 24, 2013 5:55 pm

Right click on one of the pins and choose "pin mode" then select "hue/sat"

For some reason the CC pins are not setting up as "pins"  they are setting up as samples.


Posts: 294
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Postby imported_Tanja » Fri May 24, 2013 10:46 pm

Hi Greg,

ahh, now it works!
But maybe a new problem. I set a pin on black, a whitepoint on white and a neutral on one of the greys between.
Is it a wrong thinking of mine, that now all other greys in the first row between black an white has to be nearly neutral?
At the moment, they are not. Idea now is, to set more neutrals, but not sure, if this is the solution for the right curves.

Maybe a bigger theme and one for our next class?

Greetings, Tanja

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