Tina Week 6
I've done the first three examples from the "Man From Mars" lesson. The first two are over the top, but looking at the examples in the sample video, I assume they are supposed to be. The third one pushes the saturation almost over the top but still looks good to me.
- Attachments
- tina2007-11-24_112926-tainan-koxinga-park-dragon-jpg (999 Bytes) Viewed 11331 times
- tina2007-11-24_105050-tainan-park-of-5-concubines-jpg (999 Bytes) Viewed 11331 times
- tina2007-11-25_105445-lugang_dragon-jpg (999 Bytes) Viewed 11331 times
Oops. That last one looks much more saturated as posted than it does in my files. I'll try desaturating that one. Here are the last two. The selection one seemed to work pretty well. I thought the Temple Figures looked pretty good in the before photo but I did try to lighten those while darkening the bottom half with a B channel mask. I need a lot more practice!
- Attachments
- tinac1s6-example6-2007-11-20_181115-jpg (122.45 KiB) Viewed 11331 times
- tina2007-11-20_223925-edit-jpg (154.4 KiB) Viewed 11331 times
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