Tina - Mountain Scene 2 From E-mail

This the forum board for The Curvemeister 101 class starting August 25th 2013
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Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 2:15 am

Postby ggroess » Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:51 pm

This one is similar visually but behaves differently upon correction.  Once the Blue cast is gone the trees are lifeless and drab...

Shot 1 below is a BTN correction.  Once I got it really close to where I wanted it the sky was an odd color so I used the Glenco Sky pin.  It seems to have made it look better but that is a subjective call.  I ahve attached the ACV file if you want to load it...

Shot 2 is adding a Saturation boost in LAB by adjusting each Color Channel separately.  I added more Green Magenta than I did Yellow Blue. 

capture-jpg-21 (999 Bytes) Viewed 7916 times
capture2-jpg-8 (999 Bytes) Viewed 7916 times
gg100621_629_0483_4_5_6_7-jpg (999 Bytes) Viewed 7916 times
(999 Bytes) Not downloaded yet

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